Gravity Forms Product Add-ons not working for staff Additional cost

Issue #904 resolved
Valentina R created an issue

Latest GF Product Add-ons, 3.3.24, is not working with the staff’s Additional cost. The additional cost is ignored.

Reported here.

Comments (1)

  1. Željan Topić

    Cost is calculated after being added to cart, but does is not calculated when showing totals from GF. My suggestion is to simply hide the totals and that's it - use the following code snippet (Code Snippets plugin):

    // Remove totals from Gravity Forms.
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'appointment_form_gravity_forms_styles', 130 );
    function appointment_form_gravity_forms_styles() {
        $custom_css =
    '.product_totals .gform_fields > li:nth-child(1),
    .product_totals .gform_fields > li:nth-child(3) {
        display: none;
        wp_add_inline_style( 'wc-appointments-styles', $custom_css );
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