appointment saved in DB with wrong time

Issue #938 duplicate
Valentina R created an issue

Reported here.

we don’t use customer timezones and have “Berlin” set as timezone in the general WP Settings. If customers book an appointment on let’s say April 7th 12:00:00, the timestamp for the appointment is saved as 1649332800 (= Thu Apr 07 2022 12:00:00 GMT+0000) which in Berlin Time is two hours later. Shouldn’t it be Thu Apr 07 2022 12:00:00 GMT+0200 or at least Thu Apr 07 2022 10:00:00 GMT+0000? Is there any setting in WP, WooCommerce or BookingWP, we are missing?

Wouldn’t it be better to save it in the correct timezone so that in case the WP timezone is changed, all appointment times change accordingly?

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