Update 2.2.7 admin.scss

Issue #95 resolved
johannesmutter created an issue

Heyho, Any particular reason why you removed the overflow values for .calendar_wrapper and .appointments in the latest update e.g. for browser compatibility?

The appointments are not aligned any more in the column. And you can’t see the time axis and top bar axis anymore. Which makes it impossible to overlook for e.g. 8 columns and 30 appointments / day.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-23 um 16.20.23.png


Also is there a need to display the WooCommerce footer? It takes away 20% of the available space on 13" screen and adds no benefit for the user. All the other WooCommerce plugins I have installed hide the footer.

Comments (6)

  1. Željan Topić

    I can't see any issue as displayed on the screenshot. Are you using some kind custom CSS that could override admin CSS?

  2. johannesmutter reporter

    It happens when the displayed area is larger than the screen and you're scrolling horizontally to the right.

  3. Željan Topić

    Still works without issue on my computer on all browsers. Should be related to your customized admin css tweaks.

  4. johannesmutter reporter

    To make it more clear: For a larger set of columns/ appointments it's becoming difficult to oversee the calendar, especially if the x and y axis are not visible anymore. So the scrolling should happen inside the cells area and not on the body/ page level.

  5. Željan Topić

    Thought alignment was the issue ... x-scrolling disappears on mobile screens - I'll fix this with next plugin update, but other than that, it works without issues.

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