Better extraction of lines from JSON (handle newline literals, hard-wrapping)

Issue #8 resolved
Derek Berger created an issue

Currently, the frontend splits the source-code into lines wherever the substring \n appears in the JSON. This means newline literals between single- or double-quotes are parsed as indicating a new line of code, so that a simple expression such as:

std::cout << "\n\n\n";

is treated as multiple lines, with only the ; "line" being coloured as if it was executed. In addition to being a display issue, this results in any subsequent lines of code to have incorrect execution counts displayed, not, since there end up being more lines of source code than execution/debugger steps. See e.g. the third example output produced from running cargo run (json/simple.json).

Likewise, (although I will need to actually test this some actual output from the backend), hard-wrapped lines will (almost certainly) cause similar mismatching and display problems.

The first problem should be solvable (entirely on the front-end) with a simple reg-ex.

The second will probably require a little more thought, but using some simple heuristics that rely on common code styles [e.g. checking for ;\n, }\n, or \n. (i.e. multi-line chained method calls)] would probably still go a long way for the vast majority of cases, without requiring any actual / proper parsing of the source code.

Comments (1)

  1. Derek Berger reporter

    This doesn't actually seem to be an issue as of now, one of the apparent reasons for a problem with newlines seems to have been a typo in one of the earlier (manually created) json outputs.

    I am closing this issue, and a new issue can be opened if this turns out to be an issue for some backend output later.

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