
Monil Gandhi Client Connect All Personnel

Created by Monil Gandhi
use Braango\braangomodel as model;
use Braango\braangomodel\RequestHeader as rhdr;
require_once (__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php');
 * @author braango
 *         Sample code showing how to use
 *         addClient api to add new
 *         client to a sub-dealer
 *         The api is very flexible with
 *         lots of options
 *         Please refer to api docs
 *         to see how to use all options
 *         Intent here is to show
 *         the relevant api and
 *         call needed

// TEST auth token. Please contact
// to have one
// created for you
Braango\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('auth_token', 'ISNWF0P30WM0CMK');

$api_instance = new Braango\braangoapi\ConnectsApi();

// string | id of _sub_dealer_
$subdealerid = "subdealers2002";

// Braango\braangomodel\AddClientRequestInput |
$addClientRequestInput = new \Braango\braangomodel\AddClientRequestInput();

 * { "api_key": "ISNGvAzwuy4X7vAqrtV", "id": "any value",
 * "account_type": "partner" }
$hrd = new rhdr();

// dealer_api_key returned
// when partner_dealer was created

// Set the account type to partner for
// virtual dealer and partner hosted
// accounts

// ID that will be reflected back



// This is where the action happens

$addClientBody = new model\AddClient();

// This is the client that is going
// to be seeded into the
// braango system for this subdealer and/or
// given personnel
// If the client already exists, it simply
// becomes upsert operation


// Specifies if the added client
// is to be connected with
// the dealer. Default is
// true. If false
// then, to enable connection
// either call this api or dealerconnect
// api and specify enable = true


// specify the braango number
// to be used. System will
// verify if the braango number
// is valid for given sub_dealer and/or personnel
// If not specified, partner's blast number will be
// used
// As a fallback Braango's general number will be used
// if everything fails


// Allows to send initial seeding message
// to the client if this flag is true


// If this flag is true, seeding will not
// happen. This should be used after
// seeding has happened and
// api caller wants programmatic
// control of sending message to the
// client


$message = array(
    "Line 1"


try {
    $api_instance->addClientAllPersonnel($subdealerid, $addClientRequestInput);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ConnectsApi->addClientAllPersonnel: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

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