django-reversion's introspector doesn't like I18nModelInline

Issue #2 resolved
egasimus created an issue

Zdravo brate,

So I'm working on a Python 2.7 project with Django 1.6.1 and django-reversion 1.8.0; and it seems Reversion's introspector (namely this little gem called reversion.admin.VersionAdmin._introspect_inline_admin) has taken a strong dislike to I18nModelInline. (I can procure a traceback if you're interested in seeing what happens.)

Now, from its point of view, I can understand that. The idea of SourceI18nInline.model = Source seems more than a little unsound to me; in my opinion, having it point to SourceI18n makes more sense, and can help to reduce such compatibility issues.

So I'm going to have a long hard look at your codebase, see if I can do anything to sort this issue out, and if I come up with anything, I'm gonna send it over as a pull request, mmkay? (:

Comments (3)

  1. Branko Vukelic repo owner


    Yeah, sure. I'm not familiar with Reversion (and, sadly, not even Django 1.6 yet), so I welcome a pull. And yes, please dump the traceback. Thanks for looking into this.

  2. Branko Vukelic repo owner

    Sorry for taking this long to clean this up. Loose ends and all that crap. Anyway, PR has been merged. Will create a release soonish.

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