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Bruho PullRequest on Steroids

(More than just Block button. See the Full list of Features)

Block workflow overview

This add-on was designed to be as intuitive to use as possible, but let's go over an example workflow that demonstrates functionality of Block button.

While going over a list of pull requests waiting to be merged Captain Jean-Luc Picard sees pull request that will violate Prime Directive. Being the wise man he is, Picard understands the gravity of the situation and decides to prevent this pull request from being merged.

Today is his lucky day! Starfleet got Block PullRequest installed on every Stash instance they own. Picard clicks Block button and pull request is blocked:

This makes prevents pull request from being merged until the block is removed. Block from anyone is enough to stop bad things from happening to your code!

In case Picard changes his mind he can always unblock pull request by clicking Block button again. Here is what it will look like:

There is also a more detailed example of workflow.
