update fields on unconfrimed cancel

Issue #30 new
radiumsoup created an issue

Need to update fields reported on unconfirmed during a cancel. Requires new php file to check API based on txid so we can look up the order being cancelled and display its details.


result of http://btc2xcp.local/php/btcGetUnconfirmed.php?testnet when waiting for a cancellation to confirm:

[{ "timestamp": 1531723167, "command": "update", "tx_hash": "dbfe3b2e7a824cfdab457bec9a8e751d2019ebe5f80c13057858eacaba35f5bd", "bindings": "{\"tx_hash\": \"505bdf1f67ca9d33bdf9487c39cdd5cf831dd592fe07b0490a9f8677a90f142f\"}", "category": "orders" }, { "timestamp": 1531723167, "command": "insert", "tx_hash": "dbfe3b2e7a824cfdab457bec9a8e751d2019ebe5f80c13057858eacaba35f5bd", "bindings": "{\"offer_hash\": \"505bdf1f67ca9d33bdf9487c39cdd5cf831dd592fe07b0490a9f8677a90f142f\", \"source\": \"mrK9n7yiwrYMkjsmCRQRAAHnJEF7h4v3ws\", \"tx_hash\": \"dbfe3b2e7a824cfdab457bec9a8e751d2019ebe5f80c13057858eacaba35f5bd\"}", "category": "cancels" }]

use the tx_hash to look up the data - in this example, the tx_hash starting with 505b is the one that was being cancelled, - note description should be fixed now, using bindings.offer_hash

see wallet.js line 456 starting with "txs_parsed.push({tx_description..."

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