# Imputation Pipeline parameters for VCF files #!!! Required Parameters !!! #--- Database --- host=localHost user=sqlite password=sqlite DB=**UNASSIGNED** DBtype=sqlite #--- Used by liquibase to check DB version --- liquibaseOutdir=/phg/outputDir #--- Used for indexing SNP positions --- # pangenomeHaplotypeMethod is the database method or methods for the haplotypes to which SNPs will be indexed # the index file lists the SNP allele to haplotype mapping and is used for mapping reads pangenomeHaplotypeMethod=**UNASSIGNED** indexFile=/phg/outputDir/vcfIndexFile vcfFile=/phg/inputDir/imputation/vcf/yourFilenameHere.vcf #--- Used for mapping reads # readMethod is the method name for storing the resulting read mappings # countAlleleDepths=true means allele depths will be used for haplotype counts, which is almost always a good choice inputType=vcf keyFile=/phg/readMapping_key_file.txt readMethod=**UNASSIGNED** vcfDir=/phg/inputDir/imputation/vcf/ countAlleleDepths=true #--- Used for path finding # pathHaplotypeMethod determines which haplotypes will be consider for path finding # pathHaplotypeMethod should be the same as pangenomeHaplotypeMethod, but could be a subset # pathMethod is the method name used for storing the paths pathHaplotypeMethod=**UNASSIGNED* pathMethod=**UNASSIGNED* maxNodes=1000 maxReads=10000 minReads=1 minTaxa=20 minTransitionProb=0.001 numThreads=3 probCorrect=0.99 removeEqual=true splitNodes=true splitProb=0.99 usebf=false maxParents = 1000000 minCoverage = 1.0 #parentOutputFile = **OPTIONAL** #--- used by haploid path finding only # usebf - if true use Forward-Backward algorithm, other Viterbi usebf=false minP=0.8 #--- used by diploid path finding only maxHap=11 maxReadsKB=100 algorithmType=efficient #--- Used to output a vcf file for pathMethod outVcfFile=**UNASSIGNED** #~~~ Optional Parameters ~~~ #readMethodDescription=**OPTIONAL** #pathMethodDescription=**OPTIONAL** #bfInfoFile=**OPTIONAL** #~~~ providing a value for outputDir will write read mappings to file rather than the PHG db ~~~ #outputDir=**OPTIONAL**