Porting from Thayd to Crimson Badlands while in a group results in an error

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

I keep getting this error. Most recently it happened in a party of 2 when I ported from Thayd to Crimson Badlands. Both myself and the other party member are running BetterQuestLog. Both of us are useing the current build.

...FT\WildStar\Addons\BetterQuestLog\BetterQuestLog.lua:1280: attempt to index a nil value stack trace: ...FT\WildStar\Addons\BetterQuestLog\BetterQuestLog.lua:1280: in function 'BroadcastUpdate' ...FT\WildStar\Addons\BetterQuestLog\BetterQuestLog.lua:1376: in function <...FT\WildStar\Addons\BetterQuestLog\BetterQuestLog.lua:1371>

Comments (3)

  1. Charles Patton Jr repo owner

    All calls to GameLib.GetPlayerUnit() have been removed and this was likely resolved as a result. Needs testing.

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