Restore plugin window state

Issue #11 closed
Maxim Novikov created an issue

Currently, when you restart SSMS, the plugin window is not restored at that place where it was before. For example, I have opened SSMS and the plugin and attach its dock-window to some particular place in SSMS. Then I close SSMS and open it again when needed, and I need again to open Hunting Dog and move its window to the place that is more convenient for me.

Comments (9)

  1. Maxim Novikov reporter

    PS Actually the window state is kept, but the visibility is not. After closing SSMS with Hunting Dog visible, at the next launch (at every launch) I need to press Ctrl-D to make it visible again.

  2. alex empty

    Max I cannot fix it (at leas in 2008). I have spent mutliple sleepless nights trying to figure it out (it was back in 2012).

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