User preferences don't seem to be working

Issue #34 closed
Maxim Novikov created an issue

I tried to debug and UserPreferencesStorage.Save() method does not seem to be called ever (though Load() is being called all right, but has nothing to read from). Is this supposed to work that way or is it a bug?

Comments (13)

  1. alex empty

    interesting... actually the idea - we need to call Save() every time user changes database or searches for something..

  2. Maxim Novikov reporter

    I have added some logging into that search part. Can you play around with the plugin (entering stuff into the search field) and to see how much time it takes in the log file (or you can just send it to me). In my case I am having almost always 0-15ms values, but testing on my machine may be not right as it has 4 cpu's and 16gb memory. What looks strange for me is that the UI happens to be a bit slow from time to time. It might be wpf related issues, but still just to check that for sure.

  3. Maxim Novikov reporter

    Interesting... I have answered to that email from BitBucket incidentally, and it added a comment here. Need to be more careful...

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