First server connection hangs, waiting on Hunting Dog

Issue #62 new
Kevin Greiner created an issue

Object Explorer doesn't respond while Hunting Dog is reading from the database. On a slow connection, this means SSMS is unresponsive until Hunting Dog is done.

Ideally, Hunting Dog would show a "loading data" message inside its form (not a modal) and not hang the SSMS UI.

Steps to reproduce: 1. Open SSMS 2. Connect to a remote db server on a slow connection 3. Note that it takes a while (1 minute for me) for Object Explorer to respond. 4. Uninstall Hunting Dog. 5. Repeat steps 1-3. Note that Object Explorer responds within a few seconds.

Comments (16)

  1. Kenan Imamovic

    I just recommended SQL Hunting Dog to my colleague, but he wouldnt use it because SHD would hang his MSSQL. This is because it takes too long to load all the databases and servers.

  2. alex empty

    Hi Kenan, how many servers does he have? how many databases? are they local or remote? Would it be possible to send me logs?

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