Image resources broken

Issue #7 closed
Maxim Novikov created an issue

I have probably broken links to image resources while changing the project for 2012 plugin build. Could you check if it still works for 2008 version, and if not, what can be wrong? I believe you can find a problem much faster that me...

Comments (12)

  1. alex empty

    Max, just to reiterate - 1) you want me to PULL changes from BitBucket to local machine 2) do a build and verify that it works for 2008 and if it does not resolve it. ?

  2. alex empty

    Max, I have pulled all changed from Source Control and build a new version. All reasources/images are visible.

  3. Maxim Novikov reporter
    • changed status to open

    I have modified some stuff in the project that icons work in both projects, can you please check that it still works for 2008 version.

    PS I already hate WPF and all .NET-related insanity...

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