HD can't find a recently created table

Issue #70 new
Maxim Novikov created an issue

I have created a table (Users), tried to find it with HD, and got nothing.

Screen Shot 2015-07-02 at 2.54.56 PM.png

Comments (13)

  1. Maxim Novikov reporter

    I had to restart SSMS, only after that HD picked up that table. This is really not cool.

  2. alex empty

    That's to refresh tables instead of restarting SSMS. I do not have any mechanism in place that would detect new tables / procedures at the moment.

  3. Maxim Novikov reporter

    The button is located at the place that is treated as "refreshing search results". At least most people understand it that way. Just like if you removed a character from the search box and added it again. It doesn't appear as some system refresh (db's, tables etc.).

  4. Maxim Novikov reporter

    Another thing is that you can simply run a task every, say, 2 seconds that will call that database/schema refresh. That would be the right solution.

    Another solution (worse) would be to at least move that refresh button to the top row with server and db combos.

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