List item backgrounds are black on Android 2.3

Issue #6 resolved
Boris Burtin repo owner created an issue

For some reason we're displaying list items as black text on a black background on Android 2.3. Need to figure this out before shipping.

Comments (3)

  1. Boris Burtin reporter

    commit 1932d6b79b6752617bcf1168dbaa7ad35416f2a9 Author: Boris Burtin Date: Fri Apr 26 11:43:47 2013 -0700

    Issue #6: List item backgrounds are black on Android 2.3
    Issue #24: Show details in the sound chooser
    The background for list items in the sound chooser and
    the trigger properties dialog is now white on all platforms.
    Updated the trigger properties dialog layout so that
    it looks better on small screens.  Removed hardcoded
    width from the fade in/out time seek bars.
    Time format strings are now resources.  This allows us to
    localize time formatting if necessary.
    The sound chooser now shows the album and length in minutes
    and seconds for each track.
    Fixed a race condition in BillingHelper.  We were initializing
    BillingHelper in MainActivity's onPause() and disposing it in
    onResume().  This created the possibility that we would dispose
    IabHelper while it was still initializing.  This then led to an
    NPE in the listener, since iabHelper was set to null.
    Now initializing BillingHelper in MainActivity.onCreate() and
    disposing it in onDestroy(), to avoid the race condition.
    Moved TimeParts to the util package and added a unit test for
    the toString() method.
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