Migration osgi tests to karaf

Issue #27 closed
Evgeniy Kirichenko created an issue

maven karaf plugin - in osgi test pom.xml


Comments (9)

  1. Roman Sakno

    Some tips about class loading exception on AgentConfiguration:

    Related PAX-EXAM ticket

    Quote: There is a workaround for this issue: setting KarafDistributionBaseConfigurationOption.useDeployFolder() to 'false' With this option set the dependencies are deployed in the container using a feature file which is added to the "featuresBoot" property in org.apache.karaf.features.cfg

  2. Roman Sakno

    The same problem on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15067691/osgi-integration-testing-pax-exam-probe-executing-tests-before-container-bundle

    Potential solution: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_JBoss_Fuse/6.0/html/Deploying_into_the_Container/files/PaxExam-Sample.html

    The Pax-Exam framework supports the concept of Apache Karaf features (see Deploying Features). You can use the PaxRunnerOptions.scanFeatures() method to install specific features in the OSGi container before the test is run.

  3. Roman Sakno


    Karaf 4.0.0.M1 is not stable. You need to specify the following versions:

    • 4.4.0 for Pax Exam
    • 3.0.2 for Apache Karaf
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