Support editing files directories which allow INCLUDE from the REPORTS directory

Issue #12 new
Cameron Maunder repo owner created an issue

The USERCALCS and WEBREPORTS directories are for special architect scripts. but they can include other architect files from the REPORTS directory.



Allow users to configure a workspace, mapping REPORTS/USERCALCS/WEBREPORTS to specific paths - this could be just a 'point to cfg' directory which we parse to determine the reports/usercalcs etc paths.


Assume that for any given architect function, all includes will be in a directory:


This would work for any directory provided there was at least one directory called reports as a sibling of the file's parent directory. This would break if a client has called the reports directory something else. We could then make this configurable.

E.g. Default: Look for ../REPORTS Custom: Look for ../<dir> Where dir = The name of the report directory. This could be a single field.

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