modify a plan variable?

Issue #1 open
Chuck Scott created an issue

I tried your plugin and was optimistic that I would be able to clone a plan (via standard rest call) and use your plugin to modify an existing variable, however, it does not seem to address plan variables?

Comments (3)

  1. Carl Lewis repo owner

    You can now use a POST to update the value of an existing plan variable. With curl it's like:

    $ curl -d newvalue -H "Content-Type:text/plain" 'http://host:port/bamboo/rest/modplan/1.0/TESTPROJ-PLAN1/variables/foo.newvar?os_authType=basic&os_username=username&os_password=password'

    This will set the value of "foo.newvar" to "newvalue".

    Plan variables can also get read with a get, e.g.:

    $ wget http://host:port/bamboo/rest/modplan/1.0/TESTPROJ-PLAN1/variables/foo.newvar.json -O- -q


    Right now you can't create new plan variables like this; still trying to figure out how to make this work.

  2. Chuck Scott reporter

    (Reply via

    Carl ,

    Thanks for your prompt response.

    I will give it a go Friday morning and let you know.


    Chuck Scott.

    Sent from my iPhone

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