Deployment notifications not sent

Issue #1 closed
Chip McCormick created an issue

I configured a deployment plan with an invalid script. The job fails as shown the attachment but notifications aren't sent.

I used both a user and email address for notifications and set them to 'notify on first failed build and first successful'.

Comments (5)

  1. Carolyn Van Slyck repo owner

    Hey Chip,

    I'm having trouble reproducing and need some more info. What version of Bamboo are you using? Can you go to Admin -> Mail Server and test sending an email?

    Maybe try making it pass, then fail again and see if that triggers a notification?

  2. Chip McCormick Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks for your responses on the issue Carolyn. The problem may indeed be the mail server...I've been waiting a few minutes for a notification while the page continues refreshing.

    The version is version 5.7.2 build 5716 - 02 Dec 14.

  3. Carolyn Van Slyck repo owner

    Were you able to confirm that Bamboo can send emails? I'll close the ticket this weekend if I don't hear back otherwise.

  4. Chip McCormick Account Deactivated reporter

    Yes, emails are going out. Thanks for following up. It's a useful plugin and it would be great if it were included in Bamboo by default.

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