Problem uploading single VCF file

Issue #22 resolved
Former user created an issue

We have created VCF files from agilent SureCall software.We modified the VCF file to have the SRF,SRR,SAF,SAR and are trying to analyze a single sample VCF by uploading it.The error message is the following: Error Error in SNPitty::calculateALTRatios(inputVCF, ratioCalculation): You don't have the required fields to calculate REF/ALT ratio. Either AF, AD, AO & RO or SAF & SAR & SRF & SRR is needed.

Does this mean the problem is with the actual file ? We are not sure if we mounted to docker properly,so some feedback would be appreciated .

Thank you very much for your help !

Comments (10)

  1. Job van Riet

    Ah, I see the confusion.

    The AF, AD, AO & RO or SAF & SAR & SRF & SRR should be added to the VCF as GENO fields rather than INFO fields. This allows for sample-specific plotting (if multi-sample VCF).

    This means that these values should be added to the rightmost column and the GENO fields identifiers added to the FORMAT column, e.g.:

    FORMAT  HS2_0001vcq5_KV_P22_08MB_R1_mgdlanes.fastq
    GT:PL:GQ:SRF:SRR:SAF:SAR    1/0:0,122,255:10:1109:876:3:3

    I've added the first line of the VCF as an example and this file worked correctly.

    Good luck! If anything else doesn't work, just let me know.

  2. Job van Riet

    Mhmm, I don't seem to have any errors when using that GTF on my VCF files. Could you maybe upload your VCF so I can check if that throws the error?

  3. Job van Riet


    The VCF was missing the FORMAT tags which tell the VCF what the order and data in the GENO fields are. I've added those and it worked. :)

    You might want to check if the order of the fields are correct as now I just named them in the order as they appear in the header.

    The GTF was missing a gene_name column. So I've renamed the peak_id to gene_name to fix that issue. This wasn't really obvious so I've added a GTF sanity check and warning to future users during uploading.

    Good luck! Hope this works.

  4. Maria Kalyva

    Works fine!

    Now excited to see some results with snpitty! Do you know if I can merge more than 3 samples? or 3 is the maximum it can visualize?

    Thanks again ,


  5. Job van Riet

    Hi Maria,

    We've done merging with 8+ samples without complications. It does become a bit of a mess with all the colors but it should work just fine. I would advise to normalize the VCF to split multi-allelic variants if you're merging multiple samples using: bcftools norm

    If you don't, then all alternative alleles from the same reference base and position will be summed up. E.g.:

    chr1 100 C T,A 0.4

    versus normalized:

    chr1 100 C T 0.1
    chr1 100 C A 0.3

    Unless you just want to know the difference between REF and ALT and don't particularly care about the specific mutation.

  6. Maria Kalyva

    Hello Job,

    Thank you very much for all your help. Our plots are very nice and informative.

    I only have one last question, is there an easy way to connect from a host pc to the local pc running snpitty ? If I read the docker manual would I solve this or should I be aware of anything alse ?

    Thanks again


  7. Job van Riet

    Hi Maria,

    If you start SNPitty with an open port on the host, it should work automatically. E.g. if you have an open port (firewall) on a PC with IP:, you could do start the docker with: docker run -p <yourport>:3383 -p 3382:3382 ccbc/snpitty

    And connect with a browser to:<yourport>

    If you can't connect, than the port probably isn't open for external connections. If you're using Ubuntu or similar distributions, you can open a port with: sudo ufw allow <yourport>

    Hope it helps. :)

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