Viewing controls as GET URL parameters?

Issue #24 resolved
Philip Holmgren created an issue


To view the BAF plots, we always check the option Viewing Control -> Show read coverage because read coverage can greatly influence effect on BAF.

I checked the docs and looked at the checkURLSettings function in function_Reactivity.R . As far as I can tell this can't be specified in the URL and needs to be checked manually.

As a 'nice to have' it would be convenient that this would be a GET parameter. Would that be possible?

Kind regards, Philip

Comments (2)

  1. Job van Riet

    Hi Philip,

    I've updated the GET parameters to also include this using coverageShown=T, e.g.:


    I've made a new Docker with these changes:

    docker pull ccbc/snpitty

    Hope this helps!

    Kind regards,


  2. Philip Holmgren reporter

    Just updated to the new version and tested it.

    Works great.

    Thanks for the quick help!

    Kind regards, Philip

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