Many Authorities don't appear in the text

Issue #35 new
cefn repo owner created an issue

The system is all geared up to provide highlighting and linking where references appear in the text. However, some of the "Authorities" characters are only mentioned in the titles or notes, which can't be loaded in the text view.

We should decide what should be shown for each of the characters who have an empty 'mentions' list for this reason. It's straightforward to add manually authored content which will appear when "Authorities" of this kind are selected.

In the longer term and with more time and budget, we could try to find a nice way to index these non-textual reference from the content and present them through the user interface.

Comments (4)

  1. Claire Massey

    I suspect for some of them there will be very few clues to who they were to provide much authored content. I'll try to pull together at least a sentence for each of them tomorrow. It would be good if the mentions from outside the text could be indexed in the long term.

  2. Claire Massey

    JP Sands William Sands, Mayor of Lancaster.

    JP Anderton James Anderton, a Justice of the Peace within Lancaster.

    The above could be used as authored text, or I think they should both bring up mentions within the main text if you set up searches for Master Sands and William Sands, Master Anderton and James Anderton.

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