Title logic/layout needs to be decided

Issue #57 new
cefn repo owner created an issue

I'm currently breaking down the titles into meaningful chunks using automated extraction (e.g. the bit that's the witness, the bit that's the date etc.

This means we can in principle have the titles in full, or probably better for the web version, separate out and drop parts systematically to prevent them from running into three lines.

It's feasible to pull out the titles altogether to a layer in the top, or indicate the witness and the date in a metadata view above the central scrollpane.

In any case, something needs to be decided as it's a bit of a dog's breakfast right now.

Comments (3)

  1. Claire Massey

    I've lost access, it must be because you're busy updating it. Pulling titles out or indicating witness and date above sounds good, but you're probably best to use your judgement here on what can be done by tomorrow night and what can be logged as a desired addition to come later. I think I've reached my limit of usefulness as need some sleep. Thank you for all your work today again.

  2. cefn reporter

    Understood. I had a senior moment when I uploaded the files with the wrong permissions and then the webserver was refusing any requests to read the pages as it couldn't read the pages itself!

    That issue went away when I figured out what it was due to - always fun working out the vagaries of a new server.

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