'Others' category needs to be explored

Issue #60 new
cefn repo owner created an issue

I think there's a lot of individuals without text matches in the 'Others' category as things stand. Would be good to find references to them in the near term as it looks like a big hole right now.

Comments (2)

  1. Claire Massey

    Elizabeth Whittle SEARCH: a daughter of Anne Chattox, called Elizabeth

    James Wilsey SEARCH: house of James Wilsey AND House of James Wilsey (it's in the title of 26, 31 and 112)

    Francis Wilkinson SEARCH: wife of Francis Wilkinson (in title of 102)

    Hugh Parre SEARCH: wife of Hugh Parre (in title of 104)

    Anne Crouckshey MIS-SPELT SEARCH: Anne Cronckshey

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