
Clone wiki

OAuth / Facebook Album

( ! ) Warning

Please refer to Facebook doc to know what permissions need to be required in Facebook::request().

Album Retrieval

Retrieve the album with ID equal to $id


$album = Facebook::album($id)->get();

Photos Retrieval

Retrieve the photos of the album with ID equal to $id


$photos = Facebook::album($id)->photos();

Likes Retrieval

Retrieve the likes of the album with ID equal to $id


$likes = Facebook::album($id)->likes();

Comments Retrieval

Retrieve the comments of the album with ID equal to $id


$comments = Facebook::album($id)->comments();

Album Creation

Create an album with the given $title. Optionally you may set $description and $privacy.

Note: $privacy can be one of the following values:

  • all - album is visible to everyone

  • fof - album is visible to friends of friends

  • friends - album is visible to all friends

  • me - album is visible only to its creator

  • an array following this syntax


$albumID = Facebook::album()->create($title, $description, $privacy);

Photo Addition

Add a photo to the album with ID equal to $id. Optionally you may set a $description.


$photo = Input::file('photo');

$photoID = Facebook::album()->addPhoto($photo, $description);

Album Creation With Photos

Create an album and add photos to it in a single line. Both album and photo $description and $privacy are optional.


$photo = Input::file('photo');

$albumID = Facebook::album()->with($photo, $description)->create($title, $description, $privacy);

Like Addition

Add a like to the album with ID equal to $id.


$boolean = Facebook::album($id)->like();

Comment Addition

Add a comment to the album with ID equal to $id.


$commentID = Facebook::album($id)->comment($comment);
