netcdf4 v1.2.7 seems to break cfunits

Issue #5 closed
Eric Hutton created an issue

With the update of netcdf4 to v1.2.7, I am not longer able to import cfunits,

>>> import cfunits
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'netcdftime'

Comments (9)

  1. Nathan Collier

    I am also seeing this, more specifically:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cfunits/", line 52, in <module>
        from .units import Units
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cfunits/", line 215, in <module>
        _DateFromNoLeapDay = netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._DateFromNoLeapDay
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'netcdftime'

    I dug around in the netcdf4-python codebase and found that these functions (_DateFrom[...]) are now cython cdef and no longer callable from python. I don't see that cfunits uses them anywhere, they are just aliases. I think they can just be removed:

    diff --git a/cfunits/ b/cfunits/
    index f11ec76..4ae3f57 100644
    --- a/cfunits/
    +++ b/cfunits/
    @@ -207,14 +207,6 @@ _cv_convert_array = {4: _cv_convert_floats,
     _netCDF4_netcdftime_utime = netCDF4.netcdftime.utime
     _datetime                 = netCDF4.netcdftime.datetime
     DateFromJulianDay         = netCDF4.netcdftime.DateFromJulianDay
    -if netCDF4.__version__ <= '1.1.1':
    -    _DateFromNoLeapDay = netCDF4.netcdftime._DateFromNoLeapDay
    -    _DateFromAllLeap   = netCDF4.netcdftime._DateFromAllLeap
    -    _DateFrom360Day    = netCDF4.netcdftime._DateFrom360Day
    -    _DateFromNoLeapDay = netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._DateFromNoLeapDay
    -    _DateFromAllLeap   = netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._DateFromAllLeap
    -    _DateFrom360Day    = netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._DateFrom360Day
  2. Nathan Collier

    Any opinion on this? Also, it looks like netCDF4 changed this in v1.2.5 in case you want to conditionally keep them.

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