Not working?

Issue #1 resolved
Jad Baz created an issue

I don't think this is working to be honest. I added the addon to bitbucket cloud and I simply can't find "My Dashboard" tab anywhere on the home page.

Comments (4)

  1. Sofien Chaabouni (Perso) repo owner

    Hello Jad,

    My apologize for the poor documentation! For now, Bitbucket can't allow add-ons to inject link within parts of the Bitbucket UI or adding a tab to welcome page! That why, the only way - for the moment - to access the dashboard offered by the add-on is tp navigate to your profile page ( and hit the "my dashboard link" (here is a quick link!addon/dashboard-addon/mydashboard )

    Hope you will enjoy the addon and please don't hesitate to tell us your feedback

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