does not submit job to cluster

Issue #16 invalid
Former user created an issue


I am trying to use the protocol to submit a parallellized job to the cluster.

I have made the needed changes in the code and run par_ana. I got a number of input files that seem to correspond to the parallelization, but no results. I talked to the admin of my cluster and they say no job was submitted by

We would like to know how does perform the submission. Also, if I have to generate a submit file with the PBS commands.

Thanks a lot.

Comments (2)

  1. Charlie Xia repo owner

    What par_ana and does is really an embarrasing parallelism, They divide the data matrix into N trunks and perform (X,Y) pair calculation of these trunks by submitting each of pair's computation to a node. The script is really simple python:

    1. The following sets queue name and maximum queue capacity

    core_max=63 mem_max=300 uname="lixia" qname="main"

    1. then use qstat and qsub to query total jobs concurrent and to submit jobs.

    qstat -u $uname | awk '{print $8}' qsub -q $qname $pbsFile

    1. change the PBS part in par_ana for system-specific parameters and use the script to create those $pbsFile files.

    PBS_PREAMBLE = """#!/bin/bash #PBS -N %s #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -j oe #PBS -o %s #PBS -l walltime=299:00:00 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=%d000mb,vmem=%d000mb,pmem=%d000mb"""

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