Easier installation with conda

Issue #28 new
ohnoplus created an issue

I can’t figure out how to pull request this, so I’ll put it here. Could you please edit the installation instructions in the readme to include the following as an option for installation with conda. This worked at least on my ubuntu 18.04 system running miniconda.

conda create -n elsa01 python=2.7 numpy scipy gxx_linux-64 gfortran_linux-64 libgcc matplotlib
conda activate elsa01

Then navigate to the elsa directory

python setup.py install

And thats it. Also in this case elsa is contained inside of the elsa01 conda environment and doesn’t conflict with any other things floating around my system.

Comments (2)

  1. Ioli Skouroliakou


    I confirm that the above worked for me too. It’s a pity that I didn’t see this comment earlier.

    It would be great if you could edit the installation instructions indeed.

  2. Ioli Skouroliakou

    I hope that this can help if someone is struggling with the eLSA installation.

    Install Ubuntu
    Ubuntu is available in Microsoft store (windows)
    Set 2.7 python version
    Python version has to be 2.7 . eLSA cannot be installed in other python versions.
    Check all the versions existing in the system

    ls /usr/bin/python*

    Check current version

    python --version

    If version 2.7 is not available in your system. Follow these steps:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python2

    Change your current python version to 2.7

    alias python='/usr/bin/python2.7'

    Other environments

    Install conda environment (e.g., Anaconda or Miniconda)
    Then you need to install numpy (>=1.0) and scipy (>=0.6)

    conda install numpy
    conda install scipy


    Now you’re ready to install elsa.
    Create elsa conda environment (I call it here elsa01).

    conda create -n elsa01 python=2.7 numpy scipy gxx_linux-64 gfortran_linux-64 libgcc matplotlib --yes

    Activate the elsa01 environment

    conda activate elsa01

    Install eLSA from source

    sudo apt-get update
    wget https://bitbucket.org/charade/elsa/get/master.tar.gz
    sudo tar xzvf master.tar.gz

    Change directory (wherever your elsa directory is installed)

    cd charade-elsa-c0bb9dd7d038
    python2.7 setup.py install

    The id number ‘c0bb9dd7d038’ may differ, be careful!
    Then, change the directory and test eLSA to be sure that everything works fine (it takes some time)

    cd test
    . test.sh

    You can run the following command to see the different arguments of the eLSA

    lsa_compute -h

    To deactivate the environment and return to ‘base’ you can use:

    conda deactivate

    When you want to run eLSA remember to activate the elsa01 environment.

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