TypeError: The numpy boolean negative, the `-` operator, is not supported, use the `~` operator or the logical_not function instead.

Issue #35 resolved
Cristian Villena Alemany created an issue

I did check_data and everyting is ok. I also all the packages necessary have greater version than required

Name: Python Version: 2.7.18

Name: scipy Version: 1.2.2

Name: numpy Version: 1.16.5

Name: pandas Version: 0.24.2

but still I get same error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/aap/anaconda3/envs/elsa01/bin/lsa_compute", line 11, in <module>
load_entry_point('lsa==1.0.2', 'console_scripts', 'lsa_compute')()
File "/home/aap/anaconda3/envs/elsa01/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsa-1.0.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/lsa/lsa_compute.py", line 331, in main
secondFactorLabels=secondFactorLabels, qvalueMethod=qvalueMethod, progressive=progressive)
File "/home/aap/anaconda3/envs/elsa01/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsa-1.0.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/lsa/lsalib.py", line 1044, in applyAnalysis
trendThresh, True) #now allowing trend analysis in singleLSA
File "/home/aap/anaconda3/envs/elsa01/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsa-1.0.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/lsa/lsalib.py", line 217, in singleLSA
xSeries = zNormalize(fTransform(series1))
File "/home/aap/anaconda3/envs/elsa01/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsa-1.0.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/lsa/lsalib.py", line 804, in robustZNormalize
ranks = tied_rank(tseries)
File "/home/aap/anaconda3/envs/elsa01/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lsa-1.0.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/lsa/lsalib.py", line 703, in tied_rank
V = V[-V.mask] #remove nan's
TypeError: The numpy boolean negative, the - operator, is not supported, use the ~ operator or the logical_not function instead.

Could you please help?



Comments (1)

  1. Cristian Villena Alemany reporter

    It was solved creatin a conda environment and installing before lsa the other softwares (numpy and Scipy). Then python lsa_compute.py worked

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