ValueError: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>

Issue #5 resolved
Fiona Whelan created an issue

Good morning,

I was hoping you might be able to help me out with an error that I am getting from lsa_compute:

$ lsa_compute eLSA.txt eLSA.theo.lsa -r 1 -s 26 -p theo -x 1000 -f none -n percentileZ -e eLSA.txt -m 0 -d 3
lsa_compute (rev: ) - copyright Li Charlie Xia,
delayLimit      minOccur        fillMethod      pvalueMethod    precision       dataFile        extraFile       resultFile      repNum  spotNum bootNum transFunc       normMethodapproxVar        trendThresh
3       0       none    theo    1000    eLSA.txt        eLSA.txt        eLSA.theo.lsa   1       26      0       simple  percentileZ     1       None
ValueError: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>

This is in comparison to the first call in that finishes successfully:

$ lsa_compute ARISA20.csv ARISA20.theo.lsa -r 1 -s 127 -d 3 -p theo -x 1000 -f none -n percentileZ -e ARISA20.csv -m 0
lsa_compute (rev: ) - copyright Li Charlie Xia,
delayLimit      minOccur        fillMethod      pvalueMethod    precision       dataFile        extraFile       resultFile      repNum  spotNum bootNum transFunc       normMethodapproxVar        trendThresh
3       0       none    theo    1000    ARISA20.csv     ARISA20.csv     ARISA20.theo.lsa        1       127     0       simple  percentileZ     1       None
(19, 127)
firstData factorNum, repNum, spotNum = 19, 1, 127
secondData factorNum, repNum, spotNum = 19, 1, 127
inside applyAnalysis...
computing p_table with Rmax= 50
pairwise calculation...
LS Qvalues...
PCC Qvalues...
SCC Qvalues...
SPCC Qvalues...
SSCC Qvalues...
finishing up...
time elapsed 5.734581 seconds

The beginning of my input file:

#       MPNH82  MPNH36  MPNH37  MPNH83  MPNH28  MPNH31  MPNH29  MPNH30  MPNH32  MPNH33  MPNH34  MPNH35  MPNH39  MPNH40  MPNH84  MPNH85  MPNH38  MPNH86  MPNH87  MPNH88  MPNH89  MPNH90  MPNH91  MPNH92  MPNH93  MPNH94
1       0.736848876     0.570331764     0.855212627     0.851024091     0.860134142     0.825433266     0.872329624     0.966239759     0.821966889     0.850104311     0.823470084     0.827708427     0.740343237     0.62246906      0.680357754     0.913355941     0.956806369     0.893926587     0.868970872     0.58229228      0.800531161     0.88825149      0.940786902     0.916415194     0.717169696     0.942103259
2       0.016817316     0.087562666     0.018829798     0.012538123     0.007060914     0.016010203     0.009924941     0.000541482     0.026958241     0.023713728     0.010564658     0.009630592     0.01860202      0.08648562      0.055991099     0.014653268     0.005872006     0.003713377     0.004740235     0.053948144     0.014146601     0.00396362      0.001845659     0.004678195     0.014513445     0.002323289
4       0.050126066     0.081614528     0.042585704     0.01527271      0.016063973     0.01575512      0.012095088     0.005061682     0.022535211     0.000907638     0.01004223      0.000522481     0.00730365      0.060888325     0.080674427     0.022959898     0.000700938     0.008518923     0.080249923     0.008721273     0.05404568      0.010382127     0.003810744     0.006067283     0.05177917      0.006062026

Thanks! --Fiona

Comments (8)

  1. Fiona Whelan reporter

    No, because I didn't know about it. Is there documentation that I'm missing? I've read the readme and the wiki which only make mention of lsa_compute and lsa_query, unless I'm mistaken.

  2. Fiona Whelan reporter

    But as a user, how would I be able to troubleshoot these types of issues myself? i.e. Is there documentation somewhere of all the available scripts as part of eLSA?

  3. Charlie Xia repo owner

    These are mostly experimental and debugging scripts. I will try to add their usages to the wiki. I am preoccupied with other research now but there is always a need to build a good documentation, which I wish some user like you, can help me with.

    But anyway, thanks for the suggestions!

  4. Fiona Whelan reporter

    Good documentation brings users! ;) But I totally understand- writing the documentation is the least fun aspect of writing software. For now, even a list of all available scripts and a one sentence explanation on the wiki would be useful. From there, most users can figure out that -h will give them the information they need. Thanks for your help!

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