running in parrallel

Issue #5 resolved
Former user created an issue


I was trying to run SWAN on a whole genome 50x sample. I run with default setting but the sclip_scan step took more than 10 days and it is still running.

In the paper it is suggested that SWAN can be run in parallel and it should took a day. I was wondering how I can set up that feature to make it use multiple processors.


Comments (2)

  1. Charlie Xia repo owner

    Thanks for trying it out. Sclip_scan can be parallelized by chromosomes. Did you do that? Thanks.We usually do some test run and divide the region size as acceptable speed.

    some of my previous script:

    for file in ls *.bam; do for chr in echo {1..22} X; do pf=${file%.bam}; cmd="sclip_scan -c $chr -o $pf.chr$chr $HOME/ws/hg/hg19/human_g1k_v37.fasta $file >$pf.chr$chr.scscan.log 2>&1"; echo $cmd >$pf.chr$chr.scscan.pbs; done; done;


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