Error during runChicago.R

Issue #65 new
Rohit Thakur created an issue

Dear Chicago developers,

Thank you for creating this wonderful package. I am trying to run the runChicago.R script for a four base cutters, have used the updated set of parameters on my sample replicates. As QC I am running the runChicago on replicates individually, it seems to work for some of the replicates and for the remaining I get an error something like shown in the screenshot attached. I am happy to send you more information if required. I would be thankful upon your response.

Here is the command line code I used for design file:

python --minFragLen=75 --maxFragLen=1200 --maxLBrownEst=75000 --binsize=1500 --removeAdjacent=True --rmapfile=*.rmap --baitmapfile=*.baitmap --outfilePrefix= outputFile --designDir= design_folder

Here is the command line code I used for the run chicago file:
Rscript runChicago.R --design-dir design_folder rep1.chinput outputFile


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