Implementation of SDMMC Mode

Issue #195 resolved
Patryk Kubiak created an issue

General Description

The goal of the task is to implement part of SDMMC driver that is responsible for calling functions from structure oC_SDMMC_Mode_Interface_t

Trello link:

Related tasks

  • [ #191 ] - Implementation of SDMMC driver - General SDMMC architecture

Required Interface

// Turns on the given mode
extern oC_ErrorCode_t oC_SDMMC_Mode_TurnOn          ( const oC_SDMMC_Mode_Interface_t * Interface );
// Turns off the given mode
extern oC_ErrorCode_t oC_SDMMC_Mode_TurnOff         ( const oC_SDMMC_Mode_Interface_t * Interface );
// Returns true if the mode can be configured with the given configuration
extern bool           oC_SDMMC_Mode_IsSupported     ( const oC_SDMMC_Config_t * Config , oC_SDMMC_Context_t Context );
// Configures mode to work with the SDMMC configuration
extern oC_ErrorCode_t oC_SDMMC_Mode_Configure       ( const oC_SDMMC_Config_t * Config , oC_SDMMC_Context_t Context );
// Unconfigures mode 
extern oC_ErrorCode_t oC_SDMMC_Mode_Unconfigure     ( oC_SDMMC_Context_t Context );
// Sends the command by using the mode
extern oC_ErrorCode_t oC_SDMMC_Mode_SendCommand     ( oC_SDMMC_Context_t Context , oC_SDMMC_Command_t * Command , oC_Time_t Timeout );
// Reads data by using the mode
extern oC_ErrorCode_t oC_SDMMC_Mode_ReadData        ( oC_SDMMC_Context_t Context , char * outBuffer, oC_MemorySize_t * Size , oC_Time_t Timeout );
// Writes data by the mode
extern oC_ErrorCode_t oC_SDMMC_Mode_WriteData       ( oC_SDMMC_Context_t Context , const char * Buffer, oC_MemorySize_t * Size , oC_Time_t Timeout );
// Initializes card to work with the given mode (called when the card has been detected)
extern oC_ErrorCode_t oC_SDMMC_Mode_InitializeCard  ( oC_SDMMC_Context_t Context , oC_Time_t Timeout );

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