Unable to upload 404

Issue #7 new
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I folowed the instruction, and when i try to upload, I get: The requested URL /websitetest/en/site/coco/action/upload/data/a:6:{s:17:"allowedExtensions";a:4:{i:0;s:4:"jpeg";i:1;s:3:"jpg";i:2;s:3:"gif";i:3;s:3:"png";}s:9:"sizeLimit";i:2000000;s:9:"uploadDir";s:17:"uploads/products/";s:17:"receptorClassName";s:27:"application.models.Products";s:10:"methodName";s:14:"onFileUploaded";s:8:"userdata";s:2:"33";} was not found on this server.

Any ideas why?

Comments (3)

  1. Cristian Salazar repo owner


    1) maybe due to: bad urlmanager settings or rbac permissions. please refresh your coco version to the lastest one and try again with/without urlmanager enabled

    2) maybe due to: not publishing the "coco" action in the actions() array in the refered controller name: "site" (because your setting is: /websitetest/en/site/...)

    try first testing if the action itself really works without errors trying: /websitetest/en/site/coco/action/upload/data/test

  2. Ivana Petrovic

    Thank you for the fast reply! This is my settings in main.php for URLs:

    #! 'urlManager'=>array(
                'class'     => 'ext.localeurls.LocaleUrlManager',

    And SiteController.php:

         * Declares class-based actions.
        public function actions()
            return array(
                // captcha action renders the CAPTCHA image displayed on the contact page
                // page action renders "static" pages stored under 'protected/views/site/pages'
                // They can be accessed via: index.php?r=site/page&view=FileName

    I just downloaded you script today. Also tried without urlmanager, but no luck.

    When I test that url I get PHP Notice: unserialize() [<a href='function.unserialize'>function.unserialize</a>]: Error at offset 0 of 4 bytes


    Can you please help me? Have I missed something? Should I declare your coco action in SiteController, like public function actionCoco()?


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