I translated your project into english!

Issue #91 new
jonathan ismyname created an issue

Hi Christian,

I am just getting into php and yii while building a relatively complex app (I guess or a beginner) and was looking for a rbac system with gui - well I found it - but since I do not speak spanish (only french) I figured the least thing I could do was to translate the adminarea and things like it.

Well it took me only two hours and I must admit, I am tired and I used some google-translate for some parts - so the translation is not perfect, but I think it could be a good starting point.

Anyway I hope you enjoy it.

Kind regards, Jonathan

ps: I did the translation of the ui-folder and via notepad++'s (checked for lower-uppercase and only whole phrases) search and replace option. I checked the frontend and I think I managed to get all spanish phrases (although one or two might have slipped through...) - I also hope that functionality is not affected. pps: Since I do not understand most of the code I did not translate your commentary.

Comments (2)

  1. Cristian Salazar repo owner

    thanku very much for your words and your contribution, i come to the point: yes, it is a true cruge must be build thinking in a globalization, but in its early steps only one target was in mind: the latinamerican people, always unattended in respect to software and tools, but later i change my mind in respect to translate cruge into a common technical language: english, so you'll see all my new projects now are written in pure english, not spanish.

    im thinking in rebuild cruge (a 2.0 version) starting from zero and refining the architecture, highlighting many good points like the metadata (currently: the cruge custom fields). im thinking in the adition of new features like the plugin architecture allowing a developper to include pieces like a cms does.

    Because of this i decide not to translate the current version, instead create a new one, totally built in a new well formed architecture considering the globalization and the new yii features..!!

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