Automatic building of binaries

Issue #2 resolved
Chris Strickland repo owner created an issue

We need binaries to be automatically built, when the master is updated. This will allow us to move the repository to a public branch without violating the GPL.

Comments (4)

  1. Robert Denham

    Have you ever looked at utilities like buildbot? Do you think its worth looking into, or are you thinking that the automatic part is just me firing off a windows script which builds the binaries after recieving, for eg, an email from bitbucket informing me of a change to pymcmc_dev?

  2. Chris Strickland reporter

    I haven't, I asked the IT expert at work and he has, but has not used it, but he said he would go with the script approach.

  3. Robert Denham

    I can now build the binaries easily on my work computer. Involves just correctly setting the variables in the file, but assumes a working binary distribution of atlas (this is the hardest part of the build). What I'm not sure about is triggering the build, or automatically uploading a binary. First is a bit tricky for me since I haven't really got a handle around storing credentials, second is hard due to our proxy. So: some questions:

    1. is a manual build acceptable; so if Im away or busy nothing will get done, but if the repo isn't changing often this is not a problem.
    2. Where to put the binary once built?
    3. Should there be a name change for each build, currently we're up to pymcmc-1.1d.win32-py2.7.exe and I put it in the downloads section of pymcmc_dev

    I also haven't done much checking of this, works fine on my computer, but should be tested on someboyd else's.

  4. Robert Denham

    Robert has a system in place to easily build windows binaries. It is not automatic yet, but I think that we will be releasing versions infrequently enough that it doesn't matter.

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