
chromawallet IDB workflow document

Created by Riccardo Sibani last modified



  • Buyer
  • Seller
  • Financial Entity
  • Insurance
  • Notary
  • SAT (Tax authority)
  • Municipality
  • RANIAC new
  • PCM (Secretary of innovation [secretaria digital]) new
  • Others
    • Lawyer (1 & 2)


Access to read and write to any information. It would be optimal to attach a message when Sunarp modifies information that should not touch (meaning on behaviour of other entities).

SUNARP should have overview over all the ongoing and finished processes.

Finalcial Entity

This should have read and write (update) permission to its own information.

It would be optimal to attach a message when something is changed not accordingly to the workflow.

Bank can have overview over all its contracts.

N.B. Any player that is hosting a node has virtually the power to see all the information about the other parties (and competitors), we want to hide it in the ui though.


Since the insurance has no node (we assume), we do not expect them to have access to sensible information. All the information that will be received, will be received through a node that filter if the insurance has permission to see those information.

The insurance UI will only have access to information through external queries and only to contracts to which it is invited.

Another approach is that the insurance gets the request for a policy (without seeing the flow nor sensible data, unless requested). As an example, the insurance that will release the land insurance, should not see the name of the buyer. And the insurance that makes the life insurance won't need location of the property (maybe).


Notary will have full overview over the contract of one of their clients. Notary seems to be willing to host nodes (also in form of consortium -> one node is ran by many notaries).


QUESTION: Is there an involment from SAT?

Do they need to have an overview over it?

SAT checks if the value of the property is equal to the one declared to the municipality (maybe also the Ministry of agricolture).


At least at the beginning they will not need to host a node, only to make transactions to continue the flow.

In future they might be interested into expanding the smart contract with their own processes. In this situation they are encouraged to run a node.


Raniac has one node. It can change any information about the digital identity of any user at any time.

Needs for an actiona that changes the digital identity information asynchronously from the process.


They are interested in running a node.

QUESTION: how can they help?


Lawyer (buyer & seller)

Both buyer and seller might have a lawyer that makes operations on they behalf (or alongside them). Lawyer has same access as the buyer or the seller on one contract. Although it will need a UI able to manage several contracts (both from the selling and buying point of view).


0 Upload property

0.1 Seller register property

When the seller wants to sell a property, he/she needs to register it on the chain. He will need a digital identity, information about the property and access to a UI.

Contract "creation"

Buyer decides that wants to buy a property. He will probably need to get the credentials and perform KYC somehow. Maybe with the help of RANIAC.

The smart contract is therefore initiated by the buyer.

QUESTION: missing process to get the digital identity

1 Credit pre approval

1.1 BUYER - Submit credit application

The buyer wants to get an overview of how much the bank is willing to lend for a property.

He does so by notifying one bank (or more) with the "credit application".

Ideally the buyer can see how many banks are available in this system and pick the one(s) he would like to get an offer from.

User will fill the request with the financial information according to a form.

QUESTION: can any bank be involved and make an offer? QUESTION: What are the information needed by the bank in order to make an offer? Salary, savings, currency, repayment period etc.

1.2 FINANCIAL ENTITY - Evaluate credit app

Bank receives the request from the user with the proper information and evaluates it.

1.3 FINANACIAL ENTITY - Make a credit offer

Bank submit one (or more) offer(s) to the buyer

QUESTION: Should this information be encrypted?

2 Property identification and price negotiation

QUESTION: When can the lawyer and the notary be invited?

2.1 BUYER - Indentify property

This process can be understood as being offchain. The buyer will find the property he/she wants to buy.

2.2 BUYER - Submit offer

At this stage the buyer will submit an offer to the seller (process is back on chain)

2.3 SELLER - Accept the offer

If the seller likes the offer, the offer will be accepted.

2.4 SELLER - Credit check

The seller will select the issue credit report company that will perform the check.

2.4 3rd PARTY - Issue credit report

QUESTION: is this the credit report company?

The credit report company will issue a credit. Since this report is kind of sensitive, it would be best to have this information encrypted and only visible to the seller.

2.5 SELLER - Accept (or refuse) credit report

The Seller can accept or refuse the credit report. In case the credit report is refuse the whole flow will go back to 2.1 BUYER - Indentify property. If the credit report is accepted, the flow continues.

2.6 SELLER - Asks for the Title Report

At the moment only the seller is asking for such title report (since a real interest is needed for asking such file). Therefore is easier for the seller to do it as he is the owner of the property. With this smart contract it would be easy to prove that the buyer has an interest in such record and could be directly issued to him/her.

QUESTION: Can the buyer ask for the title report since he/she has a real interested in that property? QUESTION: why can't the buyer ask for the title report directly?

2.7(optional) BUYER - Accept the title report

If the buyer is satisfied with the title repost, he just accepts it. Otherwise he/she goes back to 2.1 BUYER - Indentify property](Add in file link).

2.8 BUYER - Get Utility / Tax Debit Info

Buyer has to ask for utility and debit information to the seller.

2.9 SELLER - Provide Utility / Tax Debit information

The seller provides the information, the information will be checked against any 3rd party. But, in case one of these documents has been counterfeited, the block will provide a proof of what was uploaded.

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