Created by
Riccardo Sibani
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* - Set unique Key in classes
object ft3_config {
blockchain_name: text = 'ChromaDeX';
blockchain_website: text = '';
blockchain_description: text = 'description';
//include "lib/main";
namespace ft3 {
include "lib/ft3/account/main";
include "lib/ft3/account/auth_basic";
include "lib/ft3/asset";
include "lib/ft3/dev_op";
include "lib/ft3/history";
include "lib/ft3/transfer";
include "lib/ft3/blockchain";
/* DEX_lib
* this library is only meant for fungible tokens
* it is compatible (and requires) with FT3_lib
object blockchain_info {
chain_rid: byte_array = x"AAAAAAAAAA";
/* the assets hold by this balance are locked and can't be exchanged by ft3
* Of course they can be freely transfer back and forth to ft3 balance
* I considered creating a particular descriptor but this would mean introducing a style where there are many different type of accounts
* and also create an arbitrary amount of "flags" in FT3. While this seem like a sensible approach (i.e. you can trade in the market only
* with that descriptor), it has the problem that we should hard code the verification in ft3_lib (check_auth_args). We might come up with
* Something more flexible in the future
// balance hodl by the exchange_account on this chain (there is no need to save the chain_id in this account as there is no way this
// balance exits the blockchain)
// TODO OPTION, this might not even be needed and transfer directly from ft3
class tradable_balance {
asset: ft3.asset;
account: ft3.account;
key account, asset;
mutable amount: integer;
* What asset is the user giving away and what asset it wants in exchange.
* We should store all the orders of one pair as list from where we fulfill the olders first
class pair {
from: ft3.asset;
to: ft3.asset;
class order_log (log) { // This means one order per block. Seems like a (un)reasonable ddos prevention (of course I can have many accounts and go around it), but it's something. We could also accept a list of
index account: ft3.account;
index block_height: integer; // I index it as it seems that block height is not indexed in db
class order {
index id: byte_array;
index account: ft3.account;
index pair;
index rate: decimal;
mutable amount_from: integer;
partial_fulfill: boolean;
mutable active: boolean = true; // maybe this can be removed, it's just amount_from >0
index amount_from;
index active;
// Perhaps add a TTL to the order? (Time to Live)
class trade_log (log) {
trade_id: byte_array;
amount: integer;
is_matched: boolean; // if the order was alrteady in the queue and has been matched through the match_order algorithm, set it to true
function roundRate (rate: decimal): decimal { return rate.round(5); }
function ensure_pair(from: ft3.asset, to: ft3.asset): pair {
val is_pair = pair@?{.from == from, .to == to};
return is_pair?: create pair(.from = from, .to = to);
function get_orders(pair, rate: decimal, from_block: integer, num_of_blocks: integer): list<order> {
// 1. get num_of_blocks blocks back (e.g. num_of_blocks = 25, we want to get the next 25 blocks with at least one order inside each one of them
// 2. get those orders and send them
// NOTE: with `distinct block_height` this would be pretty easy.
val blocks = set<integer>();
var start = from_block;
while (blocks.size() < num_of_blocks and start < from_block+num_of_blocks) {
.rate >= rate,
.active == true,
.order_log.block_height >= start,
.order_log.block_height < start + num_of_blocks
}(-sort .order_log.block_height)
if(blocks.size() < num_of_blocks) {
start += num_of_blocks;
// convert the set of blocks into a list so I can get the lower and higher
val blocks_list = blocks.sorted();
// not optimal, there should be a way to return the order itself
val orders_sorted = order@*{
.rate >= rate,
.active == true,
.order_log.block_height >= blocks_list[0],
.order_log.block_height <= blocks_list[blocks_list.size() - 1]
}(-sort .order_log.block_height, order = order);
// cleaning the tuple(block_height, order) to a list of orders that I'll return
// I could skip it and just return the tuple...
val orders = list<order>();
for (order_sorted in orders_sorted) {
return orders;
function matchOrder(order_to_fulfill: order) {
val reversed_pair = ensure_pair(, order_to_fulfill.pair.from);
val last_block = order@{reversed_pair}(-sort .order_log.block_height) limit 1; // get the last block with and order with the reversed pair, so I know when to stop
var current_block = 0;
var finish = false;
var expectedRate = roundRate(1/order_to_fulfill.rate);
var step = 25; // This could be parametrically changed
var amount_to_fulfill = integer(order_to_fulfill.amount_from * order_to_fulfill.rate);
val full_matching_orders = list<order>();
var partially_matched_order: order? = null;
while (current_block <= last_block and not finish) {
log("current block", current_block);
log("last block", last_block);
val orders_to_eval = get_orders(reversed_pair, expectedRate, current_block, step);
for(eval_order in orders_to_eval) {
if(eval_order.amount_from <= amount_to_fulfill) {
// add the order to the ones that match
amount_to_fulfill -= eval_order.amount_from;
finish = (amount_to_fulfill == 0);
} else if (eval_order.partial_fulfill == true) {
partially_matched_order = eval_order;
// amount_to_fulfill is not equal to the amount that needs to be taken by the partial matched_order
finish = true;
current_block += orders_to_eval[orders_to_eval.size() -1].order_log.block_height;
if(finish or order_to_fulfill.partial_fulfill) {
// consume all the orders in full
for(full_matching_order in full_matching_orders) {
val amountToken1 = integer(full_matching_order.amount_from * full_matching_order.rate);
consume_order(order_to_fulfill, full_matching_order, amountToken1, full_matching_order.amount_from); = false; // set active to false as it is fully fulfilled
// consume the partial fulfill order
if(partially_matched_order != null) {
val amountToken1 = integer(amount_to_fulfill * partially_matched_order.rate);
consume_order(order_to_fulfill, partially_matched_order, amountToken1, amount_to_fulfill);
require(order_to_fulfill.amount_from == 0 or order_to_fulfill.partial_fulfill, "Seems like the alg thinks it can fulfill your order but couldn't. Maybe something went wrong with token convestion * exchangeRate?" ); = order_to_fulfill.amount_from > 0;
function decrease_tradable_balance(account: ft3.account, asset: ft3.asset, amount: integer) {
// Remove amount from tradable balance
val tb = tradable_balance@{account, asset};
tb.amount -= amount;
// Get all the orders with the Pair with asset updated in selling position, and remove (or decrease if partial fulfill) if amount to sell > amount left
// So...
// 1. delete all the orders with less than amountLeft, anyway (should I add log?)
delete order@*{account, .pair.from == asset, .amount_from < tb.amount};
// 2. If partial_fullfill update to new possible balance
update order@*{
.pair.from == asset,
.partial_fulfill == true
}(.amount_from = tb.amount);
function consume_order(order_to_match: order, matched_order: order, amount_from: integer, amount_to: integer) {
val exchange_log_id = (op_context.transaction.tx_rid,, matched_order).hash();
create trade_log(exchange_log_id, order_to_match, amount_from, false);
create trade_log(exchange_log_id, matched_order, amount_to, true);
// decrease left amount from toSatisfy order
order_to_match.amount_from -= amount_from;
// decrease money from tradable balance
decrease_tradable_balance(order_to_match.account, order_to_match.pair.from, amount_from);
// decrease left amount from matched order
matched_order.amount_from -= amount_to;
// decrease money from tradable balance
decrease_tradable_balance(matched_order.account, matched_order.pair.from, amount_to);
record orderRequest {
account_id: byte_array;
auth_descriptor_id: byte_array;
asset_from_id: byte_array;
amount_from: integer;
asset_to_id: byte_array;
rate: decimal;
partial_fulfill: boolean;
operation addOrder(order: orderRequest) {
function _addOrder (order: orderRequest) {
require(order.amount_from > 0, "You can't buy 0 or less");
require(order.rate > 0, "You can't trade at negative rate");
val account = ft3.account@{order.account_id};
// This is a standard operation so reqire_auth is enough
ft3.require_auth(account, order.auth_descriptor_id, list<text>());
val asset_from = ft3.asset@{.id == order.asset_from_id};
val asset_to = ft3.asset@{.id == order.asset_to_id};
val order_at_price = create order (
.id = op_context.transaction.tx_rid.hash(),
ensure_pair(asset_from, asset_to),
rate = roundRate(order.rate),
.amount_from = order.amount_from,
.partial_fulfill = order.partial_fulfill,
create order_log(account, op_context.block_height)
// create tradable_balance if doesn't exist
function ensure_tradable_balance(acc: ft3.account, asset: ft3.asset): tradable_balance {
val is_tradable_balance = tradable_balance@?{acc, asset};
return is_tradable_balance?: create tradable_balance(acc, asset, 0);
function deduct_tradable_balance(acc: ft3.account, asset: ft3.asset, amount: integer) {
val b = tradable_balance@{acc, asset};
require(b.amount >= amount, "Tradable balance is too low");
b.amount -= amount;
function consume_exchange_input(i: ft3.xfer_input, idx: integer, assets: map<ft3.asset, integer>): ft3.payment_history_entry {
val asset = ft3.asset@{ .id == i.asset_id};
val acc = ft3.account@{i.account_id};
ft3.require_auth(acc, i.auth_descriptor_id, ["T"]);
require(i.amount >= 0, "Amount should be positive");
deduct_tradable_balance(acc, asset, i.amount);
assets[asset] = i.amount + if (asset in assets) assets[asset] else 0;
return create ft3.payment_history_entry (
.delta = i.amount,
.op_index = 500, //op_context ???
.is_input = true,
.entry_index = idx
// process the transfer to exchange, saving the balance in tradable balance allows to 'hide' the balance to ft3 and therefore not transfer it
function process_exchange_output(o: ft3.xfer_output, idx: integer, available_assets: map<ft3.asset, integer>): ft3.payment_history_entry {
require(o.amount >= 0, "Amount should be positive");
if (o.extra.contains("reg_auth_desc")) {
val auth_desc = ft3.auth_descriptor.from_gtv(o.extra["reg_auth_desc"]);
== ft3.create_account_with_auth(auth_desc).id);
val acc = ft3.account@{.id == o.account_id};
val asset = ft3.asset@{.id == o.asset_id};
require(available_assets[asset] >= o.amount, "Not enough balance received");
available_assets[asset] -= o.amount;
val tradable_balance = ensure_tradable_balance(acc, asset);
tradable_balance.amount += o.amount;
return create ft3.payment_history_entry (
.account = acc,
.delta = o.amount,
.op_index = 500, // something from op_context,
.is_input = false,
.entry_index = idx
// Similar to ft3.transfer, only that the balance is transfered to exchange_account with same account as the sender
function _transfer_to_exchange(inputs: list<ft3.xfer_input>, outputs: list<ft3.xfer_output>){
val sum_inputs = map<ft3.asset, integer>();
var idx = 0;
for (i in inputs) {
ft3.consume_input(i, idx, sum_inputs);
idx = 0;
for(o in outputs) {
print(ft3.asset@{.id == o.asset_id}.name, o.amount);
process_exchange_output(o, idx, sum_inputs);
operation transfer_to_exchange(inputs: list<ft3.xfer_input>, outputs: list<ft3.xfer_output>){
_transfer_to_exchange(inputs, outputs);
function transfer_from_exchange (inputs: list<ft3.xfer_input>, outputs: list<ft3.xfer_output>) {
val sum_inputs = map<ft3.asset, integer>();
var idx = 0;
for(i in inputs) {
consume_exchange_input(i, idx, sum_inputs);
idx = 0;
for(o in outputs) {
ft3.process_transfer_output(o, idx, sum_inputs);
operation withdraw_from_exchange(inputs: list<ft3.xfer_input>, outputs: list<ft3.xfer_output>){
transfer_from_exchange(inputs, outputs);
function dev_ensure_account(desc: ft3.auth_descriptor): ft3.account {
val is_account = ft3.account_auth_descriptor@?{.descriptor_id == desc.hash()};
return if (is_account != null) is_account.account else ft3.create_account_with_auth(desc);
query get_account_tradable_balance(account_id: byte_array) {
return tradable_balance@*{ == account_id}(
name =,
account_id =,
amount = .amount
query get_order_by_id(order_id: byte_array) = order@{.id == order_id}(
id = .id,
from_account_id =,
pair_from_id =,
pair_to_id =,
rate = .rate,
amount_from = .amount_from,
partial_fulfill = .partial_fulfill,
active = .active
query get_order_log_by_order_id(order_id: byte_array) {
return order@{.id == order_id}(
account_id =,
block_height = .order_log.block_height
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