#eBooks Amazon The Hanging Artist RTF
####The Hanging Artist Jon Steinhagen ebook
- Page: 354
- Format: pdf / epub
- ISBN: 9781781086476
- Publisher: Abaddon
Surrealist modern fantasy in which Franz Kafka, miraculously saved from the tuberculosis that killed him, investigates the supernatural with the aid of a giant cockroach.
“Trust me,” the insect repeated. Franz did not.
What if Franz Kafka did not succumb to tuberculosis at the age of 40? What if he awoke the day after his supposed death to find himself attended by the giant insect he once imagined in his own story The Metamorphosis?
And what if he were recruited to investigate the bizarre circumstances surrounding a rash of mysterious hangings plaguing 1924 Vienna? Hangings that are possibly connected to an equally mysterious performer who commits suicide every night at the music hall (but cannot be connected to any crimes)?
The Hanging Artist leads the newly rehabilitated Franz Kafka on an absurdist round of discoveries, the solution of which is more fantastical than anything he imagined.
Buenos Aires - Wikitravel
Buenos Aires (the official name 'is Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires/Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, also called Capital Federal/Federal Capital) is the capital of the Argentine Republic. The name means fair winds, or literally good airs in Spanish. It is one of the largest cities in Latin America, with a lot of cultural offerings, and is the point of departure for travelling to the rest of
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Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist.He was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS, the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, and the website framework, and was a co-founder of the social news site Reddit.
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