[BUG] Naming issue

Issue #17 duplicate
Z S created an issue

Hello. I had a project with 200 polygon objects in C4D with the name: "Polygon" and when I exported it to UE, only one object had been exported, so I realize I need to change the naming.

What I did, I selected all objects and went to NamingTool and added: "$N" sign to add the extra number as suffix. What is the possible solution would be to auto-name the objects?

Comments (3)

  1. Leo “Leho” Horovitz

    I'm working on fixing several different bugs, some related to naming issues. I've added functionality to auto-rename when several different objects have the same name. The changes will be uploaded for testing by Maxon once I'm done, hopefully during this weekend, and the new version should be available as soon as possible.

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