IDEA: Option to not-export materials

Issue #23 new
Z S created an issue

Hello, I'm making all materials in UE4, I do not need any C4D materials. Therefore I want to ask about an option where materials don't get exported.

But, if they don't get exported, I still want to keep all material selection tags on the object. What do you think about creating dummy materials? I have exported a scene with 204 objects and I created material for each of the object, now I have 204-C4D materials in UE4 which is technically not in use and should be deleted.

Please make an option to export with no materials, but with UV1, UV2 (I create it by myself) and keep all material selection tags.

Thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Donovan Keith

    Good idea. Unfortunately, anything beyond bug-fixes is beyond the current scope of this project. That said, the idea has been logged.

    Also, I've integrated your suggestion into Issue #32 "IDEA: Add an Options Dialog to Control What's Transferred".

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