Crash when a mesh being transferred is open in the Unreal Static Mesh Editor

Issue #38 new
James Pageau created an issue

I found one repeatable crash with it. It makes sense that it happens but it would be nice to prevent it because it is easy to do. If you transfer a scene and open that model in Unreal’s “static mesh editor” and run “CV-C4D to Unreal” before you close the mesh editor you will crash unreal. In that case C4D is hung running the script. Reopening Unreal will eventually let the script complete and unlock C4D. You probably wont have a complete transfer at that point and would need to re-run the export. It would be nice if the script could warn you not to transfer with the “static mesh editor” open or automatically close it on the receiving end to prevent users like me from stupidly crashing unreal.

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