Add Decal creates tag on the left instead of far right

Issue #21 new
Rick Barrett created an issue

The add decal option seems to be creating the tag on the far left instead of the far right.

Having trouble reproducing this in another file, but it happened every time while recording my Decal Mapping Quicktip

Comments (2)

  1. Donovan Keith

    Hmmm... seems like it should be fixed in the last update. Maybe you hadn't updated to the latest version? Let me know if you see it again. Here's my code for that section:

            pred = None
            obj_tags = obj.GetTags()
            if obj_tags:
                pred = obj_tags[-1]
            obj.InsertTag(texture_tag, pred=pred)
            self.doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_NEW, texture_tag)
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