Add Markdown or HTML support to Description Field

Issue #111 duplicate
Donovan Keith created an issue

It would be great if we could have some formatting support in the description field. I'll settle for being able to display new line characters, but my ideal would be Markdown conversion and/or HTML.

This is what I initially placed in the XML File:

<li>Attach Camera to Path</li>
<li>Copy to Editor Camera</li>
<li>Cleanup View</li>
<li>Default Filters</li>
<li>Name Incremental</li>
<li>New Camera</li>
<li>New Light</li>
<li>New Target Camera</li>
<li>New Target Light</li>
<li>Next Camera</li>
<li>Next Light</li>
<li>Previous Camera</li>
<li>Previous Light</li>
<li>Record Active View</li>
<li>Reset Editor Camera</li>
<li>Rotate Camera</li>
<li>Rotate Center</li>
<li>Rotate Default</li>
<li>Rotate Object</li>
<li>Rotate World</li>
<li>Select Current Camera</li>
<li>Set Target</li>
<li>Toggle HUD</li>
<li>Toggle Safe Frames</li>

...but all I got was a blank description field.


So I replaced it with Markdown plain-text and none of my carriage returns registered:

**Commands Include:**

- Attach Camera to Path
- Copy to Editor Camera
- Cleanup View
- Default Filters
- Name Incremental
- New Camera
- New Light
- New Target Camera
- New Target Light
- Next Camera
- Next Light
- Previous Camera
- Previous Light
- Record Active View
- Reset Editor Camera
- Rotate Camera
- Rotate Center
- Rotate Default
- Rotate Object
- Rotate World
- Select Current Camera
- Set Target
- Toggle HUD
- Toggle Safe Frames

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