Unicode User Name throws WindowsError, IOError

Issue #127 new
Rick Barrett created an issue

As discovered with ArtSmart and Swim, we need to give filenames some special treatment to deal with unicode encoding.

Comments (4)

  1. Rick Barrett reporter

    This is a bigger issue than I initially thought.

    From what I've been able to ascertain, Python's sys.path.insert doesn't support unicode characters in the path. If we can't insert the unicode path in the sys.path, we can't load any modules if the plugin is stored in a unicode path.

    Since CV-Toolbox wants everything, including itself, in the prefs plugins folder, if the user has a unicode path (unicode characters in their username) we're pretty much hosed. Even with the fix I added for ArtSmart, it won't work if installed in a unicode path due to failed module loading (I was testing in the programs dir). The ArtSmart fix does allow files to be loaded from unicode paths, so still valuable, but ArtSmart itself cannot reside in a unicode path.

    Toolbox only really deals with files in the C4D prefs directory, so I'm not sure there's anything to fix here. If toolbox is in the prefs directory, it's gonna break. I can't load the modules.

  2. Rick Barrett reporter

    Some patching for this in 814f7a92d5, but still won't support lib loading in the prefs path if the username contains extended characters, since sys.path.insert doesn't support unicode chars.

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