Add quickstart text to description field if user hasn't selected anything.

Issue #13 resolved
Donovan Keith created an issue


At the moment when a user first opens the updater, there's no indication of what they can do or how they should do it. The description field is blank by default, perhaps some quickstart text/instructions like:

Welcome to Cineversity Toolbox, the go-to place for the latest updates in Cineversity plugins and resources. Click on the name of a plugin in the list above to read a description of it in this box. To install any of the above plugins, simply click on the checkbox to the left of the name and click on the "Install" button in the lower right.

Comments (2)

  1. Donovan Keith reporter

    Perhaps an easier solution would be to default to having the first plugin in the list selected. That should make it pretty evident how the interface work.

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