CV Toolbox Requires Coupon even for CV-Instructor accounts

Issue #133 wontfix
Donovan Keith created an issue

There's no method (that I can see) for instructors to add a coupon to their accounts. Let's just make them our defacto beta testers and give them access to all coupon-protected CV-Toolbox resources. Maybe we can even list that as a perk of being a CV Instructor.

This is similar to an earlier report RE: Admin accounts.

Comments (3)

  1. Rick Barrett

    Cineversity includes an exception for admins but not instructors. I'm not sure I want to remove that exception. In the past, we've used protected tutorials to share information about future developments still under NDA (Cineware, R15 prior to release), and I'd like to still be able to do so. All instructors will not necessarily be under NDA, nor should they have access to that info.

    What I can do is make sure the Redeem Coupon link appears also for instructors when I rework the subscription management links for the new user cp.

  2. Donovan Keith reporter

    That's a workable solution for me. I just wanted to get Andy on the beta of CV-Layer Comps and I didn't have a means of doing that (unless there's a way to apply a coupon on the back-end that I'm unaware of).

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