1.01 Update Freezes & Causes Console Errors

Issue #139 new
Donovan Keith created an issue

I saw a new update for CV Toolbox 1.01 available. I updated toolbox and it froze here: FrozeHere.jpg

It spat this out into the console: UnicodeError.jpg

I then tried to report the error via the built-in bug reporter, it froze here: sshot-1.jpg

Giving me this error: sshot-2.jpg

Comments (4)

  1. Donovan Keith reporter

    I was able to install the latest version by uzipping it from the CV Toolbox download cache and replacing the file in the Plugins folder.

  2. Rick Barrett

    Part 1 is known - see issue #138

    The update should only be offered to admins and beta users right now - I've got to figure out how to propagate it.

    I'll leave this issue open for unicode error in the bug post part.


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